Midcoast Poetry Calendar


Midcoast Poetry Journal



     The Midcoast Poetry Journal project was started at the end of 2024 to create and maintain a printed and online journal for Midcoast Maine poets and poetry.

     Midcoast Poetry Journal is a project of Rockport Public Library Poets’ Corner and Thomaston Public Library Poets’ Corner.



Call for Submissions

Midcoast Poets!


     Midcoast Poetry Journal is now accepting submissions for its inaugural edition. Poets residing in Midcoast Maine may submit up to 5 poems for consideration.

Poems should be submitted as a single Word document and be accompanied by contact information and a brief bio of the poet. Poems will be reviewed by Thomaston and Rockport Public Library Poets’ Corner readers and editors for approval and publication.

Call for Poetry Poster PDF     Call for Poetry Poster JPG


Please send submissions to Len Germinara, lensir@hotmail.com (subject line Submission MPJ). Thank you.

If you are interested in becoming part of the publishing team please indicate that with your submission.


The deadline for submissions is Friday, February 28, 2025.


     This is a non‑profit, volunteer enterprise, and no fee will be associated with the publishing of your work. The poets who are published will receive 1 copy of the journal and additional copies will be made available for fans, friends, and family to purchase (price to be determined).


     More about us: Collectively we have over 20 years of experience in the small independent publishing world. All of our books are handmade, perfect bound with spines fit for a library shelf, and done in small run editions.

     We also have experience publishing electronic poetry books primarily as PDFs and plan to make PDF editions of the Midcoast Poetry Journal available here for donations to our supporting public libraries. You can see examples of PDF chapbooks on Rockport Public Library Poets’ Corner chapbooks page and PDF poetry books on Bill Eberle’s poetry books page.


     We also offer seminars on bookbinding and publishing upon request.






Poetry happening in Midcoast Maine



To send us information about poetry events and poetry meetings

please email



or call or text

207 701‑9001

